Outdoor services
Air conditioned doctor's chamber with patient friendly ambience having motorised and automatised Opthalmic work station. Slit lamp Biomicroscopy. Automatised L. Refractometer, Keratometer. Applanation tonometry, Schiotz tonometry. Gonioscopy A-Scan, Biometry (ophthalmic ultrasound), Direct opthalmoscopy, Indirect opthalmoscopy.
Indoor Services
A fully air conditioned separate 0.T. Room dedicated to Eye Surgery with post op patient's recovery room. -Motorised Ophthalmic O.T. table for patient's comfort during surgery -TOPCON (OMS 90) Binocular operating microscope with five step magnification and foot control. - Wet field Bipolar cautery-Corneal Topography - Phacoemulsificetion system.